On September 14, 2022 all 52 plans from the 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico were approved by the FHWA. Six and one-half months later, where do we stand?
- One state has closed its NEVI applications: Ohio, but Ohio has been a bit of a mess as they started their process prior to the final NEVI rules and after the rules came out they required applicants to resubmit their applications. We have one client that had to resubmit 20 site applications.
- Three states currently have their NEVI application process open: Alaska, Colorado, and Pennsylvania.
- Five states have announced tentative timelines of late spring to mid-summer to open their NEVI application process.
- Roughly seven states have delayed their initial target dates or have announced tentative dates of fall/late 2023, or they announced delays with no new date.
- Zero states have approved any NEVI applications.

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