Federal EV Charging Incentives

NEVI State/Territory RFP Status

Want to keep up with the NEVI RFP and application process of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico? EVAdoption offers a NEVI database and subscription service which includes weekly emails providing updates on the latest meetings, webinars, RFAs, RFPs, and other information and details on state/region NEVI progress.

To learn more, visit our EVAdoption site. Our NEVI subscription starts at $73 per month and you can cancel at any time after the first month.

In the meantime, looking for a high-level status of the RFPs and the application process? We got you covered with the simple table below. Check back often for updates. Have questions? Feel free to fill out our inquiry form.

As of October 8, 2023:

  • Seven (Ohio, Hawaii, Maine, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Alaska, Kentucky) have announced awards.
  • Four states (Utah, Rhode Island, Oklahoma, and Kansas) have closed their NEVI application process, but not announced awards.
  • Ten states are currently accepting applications.

(Last updated: October 8, 2023)

Public NEVI State Tracker Table-7.25.23